What Is Fluid Film?
Fluid Film is a lanolin-based product. It will not evaporate or dry from the surface. Fluid Film will leave a wet, non-drying film, that will provide long-term corrosion protection on all metals and superior lubrication for all moving parts. We apply this to the undercarriage, frame rails suspension components, and rocker panels/wheel wells when accessible.
Can My Car Benefit From Fluid Film?
Fluid Film is formulated to prevent rust from commencing and to immediately stop existing rust from spreading. It is not designed to remove rust, but it will penetrate rust and rust scale to the base metal, loosening and easing the removal process.
How Long Does it Last?
Depending on driving habits, Fluid Film can last up to 36 months. We recommend an initial coating and a follow-up with a touch-up 18-24 months later.
How Long Does My Car Have To Sit After The Coating?
We can get these done on the same day. You can drop off the car in the morning and have it back by 5 am.